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Board of Directors Appointments

Our goal is to open a successful retail food cooperative in Pullman, serving the region’s needs for healthy and local food.


For more information, please contact the Board at

There are two Co-op Board of Directors positions available for appointment.

We are currently looking for Owners to fill board of directors vacancies, one expiring

in June 2024 and June 2025. These positions are board appointed

rather than a full election. 


The successful candidate must currently be an owner, and should

have experience and interest in ownership development and

fundraising, our two greatest needs.

BOD-colorful hands.png

Before applying, we ask that you please review the job description, eligibility requirements, and code of conduct policy below.

Submit a cover letter and resume to

Address your qualifications related to the job description in your cover letter.


We are honored by your interest in serving on the Pullman Good Food Co-op Board of Directors. Pullman Good Food Co-op practices Policy Governance and seeks a Board whose membership reflects the rich diversity of our ownership in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, experience, profession, and income. Having an active and engaged volunteer board is an essential part of the governance and ongoing prosperity of our Co-op, and we believe it can be a very rewarding experience for all concerned.


Thank you again for your time and interest.

In cooperation,

Justin Peters, Chair

Jeff Guyett, Co-Chair

Matt Smylie, Secretary

Andy Jacobs, Treasurer

Ken Casavant

Richard Edge

PGFC Director's Responsibilities

Board Member Necessary Qualifications
● Passion for the mission: As a board member you are representing the Pullman Good Food Co-op and are expected to passionately promote the cooperatives goal, vision, principles and mission.

● Positive attitude & open minded: You will be working in a team setting, therefore it is extremely important to stay patient and welcoming to others ideas. Board Members represent the Co-op’s Owners and need to make decisions that best suit the organization and communities needs.

● Willingness to learn more about the co-op: Cooperatives are different than your average business. There is a lot to learn and we are looking for people willing to educate themselves and attend training seminars to better serve the organization.

● Dedicated to board expectations and time commitments: Board members are held accountable to their tasks, duties and responsibilities including showing up on time and having work completed by said deadlines.

● Excellent communication skills: This is a team effort and open communication is a must. It is required that you tend to emails and other communication in a timely fashion and express your needs as they arise.

Access to secure internet for virtual meetings and file storage.


Board Member Preferred Qualifications – Orange highlights apply to current appointments

● Leadership Experience: The Pullman Good Food Co-op is looking for assertive leaders who are willing to step up and take responsibility for tasks as they arise. We are looking for self starters who can work as well independently as they can in a team setting.
● Fundraising & Capital Campaign Experience: The Pullman Good Food Co-op is a community owned and operated business. We are looking for individuals who have fundraising, capital campaign, project development planning and/or organizational background to help open the co-op successfully. This person(s) will work with the Fundraising committee.
● Marketing & Outreach Experience: Awareness is key and the Pullman Good Food Co-op Board of Directors is looking to add a creative, innovative thinker who can help establish a plan to best engage our community in this process. This person(s) will work with the volunteer Marketing team.
● Owner/Member Development: Member Recruitment is currently the cooperatives highest priority. We are looking to add a board member who has knowledge in co-op’s and recruiting memberships. This person will lead the Owner recruitment team,
● Food Security: The Pullman Good Food Co-op holds the community’s food security as a high priority. We are looking for individuals who have experience working with low-income populations and related programming focusing on affordable food accessibility, including positive community spaces and diversion of food waste.
● Local Grower & Suppliers Support position: This position promotes and supports local vendors, increases awareness of local products, and actively works to strengthen food security in our community. This person should have strong communication skills, good connections with the local community, and a passion for local products. This position is on the Growers & Suppliers Engagement Committee.
● Student Representative position: As students make up a large portion of the residents living in Pullman, their voice is important to the success of the Co-op. Ideally this student would be a current undergraduate (junior or senior) or a current graduate student or postdoc.

PGFC members can receive 10% off select services/parts at Chipman & Taylor Chevrolet in Pullman!

Position Description
Pullman Good Food Co-op is governed by a democratically elected Board of seven directors serving three-year terms. The Board is your voice at the Co-op and uses the principles of policy governance to represent the interests of member-owners and to safeguard the future of the cooperative. As a start-up Co-op, the Board actively works on the steps necessary to open a store.

Directors are required to
1. Agree to abide by the Board’s policies.
2. Sign a non-disclosure agreement.
3. Sign a Code of Conduct.
4. Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.


The primary responsibility of the Board is to act as trustees of the Co-op ownership by providing leadership to ensure the Co-op’s future. Specific responsibilities for individual Board members are to:
● Create and perpetuate the organization that can open and own a food co-op.
● Prepare for and attend all monthly Board meetings.
● Research issues thoroughly to be informed about Co-op operations and issues.
● Serve on committee(s) and attend committee meetings.
● Know and follow the Co-op’s bylaws, policies, and procedures.
● Bring complete honesty and personal integrity to the Co-op’s Board.
● Provide leadership for the Co-op and its management.
● Attend Board trainings and annual weekend retreats.


● Board members must be owners in good standing of Pullman Good Food Co-op.
● Only one individual per membership is eligible to serve on the Pullman Good Food Co-op Board of Directors at a time.
● Paid employees of the Co-op are not eligible to serve on the Board of Directors
● Board members must have strong communication and leadership skills and be willing and able to make decisions in a collaborative environment.


Board Responsibilities
● Develop and implement opening of the Pullman Good Food Co-op.
● Enact governing policies, carry out the directives of Co-op’s Articles and Bylaws and update these documents as necessary to ensure the ongoing success of the cooperative.
● Act as trustees of member-owners by providing oversight of the Co-op’s finances.
● Provide a vital link between the co-op and member-owners.


● Assume fiduciary responsibility of the cooperative on behalf of all member-owners.
● Learn and practice the principles of Policy Governance to provide effective policy and leadership for the organization.
● Serve a three-year term unless elected to fill the remainder of another Director’s term.
● Prepare for, attend and participate actively in board activities, including but not limited to: monthly meetings, committee work, online discussion, training sessions, and retreats.
● Work cooperatively to reach decisions and accept group decisions as the voice of the board.
● Faithfully represent the Board’s interests and positions to the public while maintaining confidentiality as appropriate around protected matters.
● Work to perpetuate and improve the board itself through active recruitment, participation in democratic elections, policy formation, self-monitoring and self-assessment. Agree to abide by the Director’s Code of Conduct policies, which include avoiding any conflicts of interest with respect to fiduciary responsibility.
● Commit a minimum of 20 - 25 hours of time to board work and meetings each month (and more for officers).


There is no financial compensation for serving on the Co-op Board.

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